COVID-19 Updates from Didcot Osteopathic Clinic.


We have performed Risk Assessments, ordered supplies of PPE, and made changes to our working environment and the premises. Protocols are in place to enable us to fully comply with Infection Control advice from Public Health England.

Didcot Osteopathic Clinic is operating with strict procedures in place to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19. We take the safety of our patients and staff very seriously and have made every effort to implement policies to protect everyone.

Despite these precautions, there remains an inherent risk of transmission of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Whilst working hard to manage and minimise risks, we cannot guarantee that there is no risk as a result of attending the clinic. Patients will be attending at their own risk.


Book online or call us 07579 798924 or contact us by email and we will aim to respond to you within 1 working day.


You are in the “at risk” group, as defined by Public Health England, if you are:

  • Pregnant
  • Over 70
  • Have a long term health condition
  • Have a weakened immune system.

If you fall into any of these higher risk categories or have close contact with someone who falls into these categories. Please get in touch with Mike to explain your circumstances.


Familiarise yourself and adhere with the Government and Public Health England COVID-19 guidance.

You will have to complete a COVID-19 Consent form, including a statement that you are not experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms.

Please come to the Clinic in clean clothes and only bring essential personal possessions.

It is important that you arrive 5 minutes before your appointment time. Please come alone. If you need to be accompanied for a medical reason, let us know in advance.


Please knock / ring the door bell and wait outside where indicated. The door will be locked.

Immediately upon entry to the building, hand sanitiser for your hands is available.


Please sanitise your hands.

Thank you for your co-operation and continued support.

Didcot Osteopathic Clinic.